Turkey is an occupying power in Syria

  • actual
  • 11:44 22 October 2021
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NEWS CENTER - In the 2021 country report announced by the European Union Commission, Turkey was defined as an "occupying power" in Syria for the first time.

The European Union (EU) Commission announced the Turkey Progress Report on 20 October. In the countries report published by the EU Commission every year, Turkey was defined as an "occupying power" in Syria for the first time. In the report, which heavily criticized Turkey, it was stated that Turkey's recent foreign policy was not in line with the EU's security and foreign policy priorities.
In the report, which states that Turkey's goal of "stable and prosperous Syria" is also shared by the EU, the report said, "However, Turkey continues its military operation in Northern Syria with the participation of the militias it supports. Turkey has also expanded its infrastructure networks and increased the provision of basic services in northern Syria.
The report states that “the human rights situation in the areas under the control of Turkish soldiers and armed forces affiliated with Turkey continues to be a cause for concern.” Despite all efforts, Turkey, as an occupying power, needs to continue to focus on the human rights issue.
In the report published every year, the definition of "occupying power" for Turkey in Syria, which has not been used before, draws attention.