Turkish attack in Binarê Qendîl region
- actual
- 15:20
It was reported that Turkey bombed Binarê Qendîl region.
It was reported that Turkey bombed Binarê Qendîl region.
While the vigil in front of Wan Metropolitan Municipality continues on its 3rd day, people started to gather before the youth festival.
Lawyers from the Asrın Law Office have made a new application for a meeting with their client Abdullah Öcalan.
Stressed that solution of the Kurdish issue will give a wind to all segments of society, "Kurds trust the President. Everyone should put their hands under the stone without exploiting this issue," said Mehmet Ocalan.
A Group of Muslim Intellectuals said that the Parliament must take responsibility for the solution of the Kurdish issue and emphasised the importance of the participation of the society and said, "If there is a strong participation and support, this problem will be solved."
Citizens participating in the vigil in front of Wan Municipality against the trustee appointment attempt stresses: "We will not give our municipality. We will defend our will until the end."
"In 2025, those who turn 15 February into 'Roja Reş' will lose," said Peace Mother Rewşan Döner, who protests the conspiracy against Abdullah Öcalan by fasting every 15 February.
Prisoner Emrah Kandemir's release was extended by 6 months due to his participation in a hunger strike.
The vigil in front of Wan Metropolitan Municipality continued on its 3rd day destpite the cold. The municipality will organise a youth festival.
4 people, including a DEM Party Party Assembly member, who were detained in Ankara were released with judicial control conditions.
DBP Co-Chair Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar said, "The people of Wan will respond to the state mind's policies of non-solution." DEM Party Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları said, "We will win through struggle."
Mehmet Nurbaki Göçmez, the speacial operations police officer who murdered Nihat Kazanhan (12), has not been caught for a year. The court ruled to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant.
The billboard with the photographs of Gulistan Tara and Hêro Behadîn, who were killed in Turkish drone attack, was vandalised and burnt.
HDK Co-Spokesperson Ali Kenanoğlu stated that the aim of the operations against municipalities in Istanbul is to dissolve the opposition that was achieved with the ‘Urban Consensus’ and added: "The government is taking revenge on CHP for the 'Urban Consensus' on the one hand and trying to prevent CHP from participating in the solution on the other."
8 people, including DEM Party Party Assembly member Pakize Sinemillioğlu, were detained in an operation in Ankara.