Every day letters to CPT for Abdullah Ocalan

  • actual
  • 10:44 21 April 2024
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ISTANBUL - Thousands of women in Europe will send letters to the CPT for Abdullah Ocalan every day for 4 months.
While the absolute isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, who is held in Imrali Type F High Security Prison, has continued for more than 25 years, there has been no news from Abdullah Ocalan for 37 months. The "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign, which was launched at the global level to ensure the physical freedom of Abdullah Ocalan, continues in its second phase. In this context, the Kurdish women's movement in Europe is also implementing a series of events within the scope of the campaign.
In this context, the European Kurdish Women's Movement (TJK-E) launched an event called "Thousand Women, One Voice" on April 4. Within the scope of the event, women from many parts of Europe, including activists of different women's organizations, academics and non-governmental organizations, will make videos and explain how Abdullah Ocalan's ideas affect their lives.
The videos collected in TJK-E began to be published in various centers. While 300 videos have been published so far, the campaign will end when it reaches a thousand women.
TJK-E also launched a letter-sending campaign for Abdullah Ocalan to the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) on April 19. Within the scope of the campaign, which started in Berlin and will last for 4 months, women from different countries will send letters to the CPT reminding them of their responsibility regarding Imrali every day for 4 months.
Speaking to our agency about the work they carried out within the scope of the campaign, TJK-E Spokesperson Ayten Kaplan emphasized that they aimed to unite the voices of women from different peoples and cultures against the torture system in Imrali with the "Thousand Women, One Voice" and letter sending campaign to the CPT.
Kaplan said that women from different geographies, different nations, language groups, beliefs and cultures supported the campaign with the "Thousand Women, One Voice" action. Kaplan stated that they have received videos of nearly 300 women from different parts of the world, from the Middle East to Africa, Asia and Europe, and continued: "These videos are shown one by one in different places and digital media platforms on a daily basis. Each of the women who sent these videos come from different women's organizations. In other words, women in different countries and different cultures discuss their own experiences and how they see them from the perspective of Abdullah Ocalan.”
Emphasizing that the "Jin Jiyan Azadi" philosophy put forward by Abdullah Ocalan has turned into a slogan that has spread all over the world, Kaplan said: "The "Jin Jiyan Azadi" slogan had a great impact on women's self-knowledge and self-determination. Women all over the world unite around this slogan. Already, women from Chile, Catalonia, Kurdistan, the United Kingdom, Germany, India, Oromia, Switzerland and South Africa are joining with video messages and demanding the freedom of Leader of the Kurds Abdullah Ocalan.”
Kaplan stated that the "Thousand Women, One Voice" campaign does not have a certain time period and can evolve into another form of action when they reach a thousand women.
Referring to the campaign to send letters to the CPT, Kaplan said: “In the letters, the CPT will be demanded to urgently go to Imrali, examine the situation there and get information from Abdullah Ocalan. In this sense, it is possible to say that thousands of letters will be sent.”
Noting that the campaign is important in terms of ending the isolation imposed on Abdullah Ocalan, Kaplan said the following: “The government and the Turkish state want to make the public forget about Abdullah Ocalan with their isolation policies. While it deepens its isolation policies, it also implements genocide policies against the Kurds. We find the freedom movement launched for Abdullah Ocalan under the leadership of our friends important. As the women's movement, our action activities against isolation and liquidation policies will continue."
MA / Esra Solin Dal

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