Oramar: The resistance of Qazi combined with the struggle of Öcalan

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  • 14:20 30 March 2023
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VAN - 75 years have passed since the execution of Qazi Muhammed, the founder of the Republic of Kurdistan. Author Kakshar Oramar said: "The resistance of Qazi is combined with the struggle started by Mr. Öcalan today and continues with the philosophy of 'Jin jiyan azadi' in Iran."
It has been 75 years since Qazi Mohammed, who declared the Republic of Kurdistan in Mahabad city of Iran, was executed, born in 1893, from a prominent Qadi family in Mahabad, Qazi Muhammad completed his education in a religious school called Kutabhane. After his education, Qazi became the Director of the Mahabad Foundations Department, and after the death of his father, Kadı Ali, he assumed the duty of being a judge in Mahabad. After a while, Qazi served as a judge in Mahabad. He became a member of the Komeleyê Jiyanêwê Kurdistan organization in 1945. Qazi, who led the organization shortly after, declared Komara Kurdistan on January 22, 1946.
Qazi Muhammed, who declared the Republic of Kurdistan by hoisting the Kurdistan Flag in the Çarçıra Square of Mahabad on January 22, 1946, 76 years ago, was elected President at the parliamentary meeting held on February 11, 1946. At the swearing-in ceremony in the parliament, Qazi Muhammed took an oath saying, "I swear by Almighty Allah, by the holy Quran, by my country and my flag, that I will work with my life and my property on the way to freedom for our flag to fly in the sky, until the last drop of my blood and my last breath." On the same day, the parliament adopted the poem "Oh Raqip", written by Kurdish poet Yunus Rauf in a prison in Kurdistan province in 1938, as the national anthem. During the 11 months of the Republic of Kurdistan, many successful policies were made in the fields of culture, press and broadcasting, from rights and freedoms to education, from diplomacy to the protection of national rights. While Kurdish was declared the official language, Kurdish lessons began to be given in my ethics. In addition to the Kurdistan newspaper, the magazines Hawar, Hilale, Agir, Gelawêj and Niştiman were published. Kurdish radio broadcasts were started and studies were carried out for the development of Kurdish language and literature.
Author and journalist Kakshar Oramar, who wrote the book "Yadigaren Komara Kurdistan a Sala 1946'an(Souvenirs of the Kurdistan Republic of 1946)" on the Republic of Kurdistan, spoke to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) about Komara Kurdistan and Qazi Muhammed. 
Stating that the declared republic was named as "Komara Kurdistana Mahabad / Kurdistan Mahabad Republic" by many segments, but the real name was "Republican Kurdistan" and  
Oramar said: "The real name of the Republic is Cumhuri Kurdistan. At that time, the name Cumhurî Kurdistan was used on some signboards, newspapers and magazines published in Kurdish. The name 'Komara Kurdistana Mahabad' is derived from Archie Roosevelt William Eagleton Jr. With the book "The Kurdish Republic as Mahabad 1946", written by Kurdistan in 1960, Kurdistan began to be called the Republic of Mahabad. I had a face-to-face meeting with Eagleton in France in 2005. I asked him why he tried to write the name Kurdistan Republic as Mahabad Kurdish Republic and present it as a small thing, and I criticized him. Eagleton accepted the criticism and told me: 'In the 1960s, I was able to go and do research with Iran's permission; however, Iranian intelligence told me not to use the name Kurdistan a lot. That's why I gave it such a name."
Noting that the borders of Cumhurî/Komara Kurdistan are not only the city of Mahabad, the cities of Urmiye, Salmas, Mako, a part of Xoy, Kutur, Serdeşt, Pirenşer, Shino, Mahabad and Bokan are located within the borders of the republic, Oramar said: “Of course, Qazi Muhammed, He founded the Republic of Kurdistan, but his dream was a great Kurdistan. There was already a large map of Kurdistan in his notebook and he was in favor of Kurdish unity. In his meetings, he always said that they were the continuation of Sheikh Said, İshak Nuri Pasha, Simkoke Shikak and Sheikh Ubeydullah."
Stating that everything was tried to be systematized in Komara Kurdistan, which lasted for about a year, Oramar said: “Many decisions were made at that time, and one of these decisions was the decision to unite all of the Kurdish lands in Rojhilat. Of course, they couldn't do anything because they didn't have enough power at that time. Kurdish becomes the official language and education begins in Kurdish. Magazines and newspapers called Kurdistan are published in Kurdish. A magazine called Niştiman is published. In the city of Bokan, Kurdish magazines and books are published for children. Equal rights are also granted to Armenians and Jews living in Mahabad. Women are starting to live with equal rights with men, so much so that with the support of Qazi Muhammed, his wife started to organize women. An attempt was made to create a women's union community. Even at that time, due to the equal rights granted to women, Qazi was declared an 'infidel' by some sheikhs and melees. Instead of being a dictator, Qazi Muhammed is holding discussions for 6 days with sheikhs and melees(religious men) who declared himself as "infidel" at the Abbas Aga Mosque in Mahabat. At the end of the discussions, the sheikhs and melles are convinced that women have equal rights. One of the things done is to send 60 students to Russia for military college”.
Noting that Qazi Mohammed started relations with the Azerbaijani government in the field of diplomacy and made an agreement with the Azerbaijani government in Kurdistan, Oramar said: "In the agreement, a possible Iranian attack would be acted upon and resisted in unity. The two governments would respect the rights of Kurds and Azeris in their lands. Everyone will be able to study in their mother tongue. First and second official languages according to the majority of the population will be provided. ;however, the Azerbaijani government did not comply with the agreement and planned to bring the Kurds under their sovereignty. Qazi opposed this and the deal was terminated”.
Reminding Qazi Muhammed's demand for unity, Oramar continued: "The Kurdish people have been subjected to many massacres. Against these massacres and attacks, Qazi spoke about 'Kurdish National Union' 75 years ago and what he said is still valid. The resistance created by Qazi is united with the struggle started by Mr. Öcalan today and continues with the philosophy of 'Jin jiyan azadi' in Iran. We need to remember Qazi's emphasis on unity, which is his demand and desire for unity, and according to him, we need to provide a Kurdish struggle ground.” 
Stating that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (SSBC) withdrew from Iran and Rojhilat occupied in 1941, Oramar continued as follows: “Iran, with the support of Britain, started to attack Komara Kurdistan. Qazi Muhammed, who held meetings with the public against possible massacres, decided to make an agreement with the Iranian administration at the request of the people. The Iranian Army entered the city of Mahabad on December 17, 1946 and put an end to the Kurdish Republic of Mahabad. Qazi Muhammed, his brother Sedr Qazi and his cousin Seyf Qazi were executed on March 31, 1947 in Çarçira Square, after a two-day show trial.”
The will written by Qazi Muhammed before his execution is as follows: “I am living the last hours of my life. For God's sake, do not be hostile to each other, support each other and stand against the enemy and oppressors! Do not sell yourself cheap to the enemy! The enemies of the Kurdish people are many, they are tyrannical and ruthless. The symbol of the success of every peoples and nation is unity, cooperation and solidarity. Any people who do not maintain their unity and do not have an alliance are always subjected to the pressure of the enemy and oppressed. The Kurds have nothing less than other peoples living on earth. In fact, you are ahead of the people who survived oppression with your bravery and self-sacrifice. The enemies want you as much as their job is necessary, and after their job is done, they will never pity you, they will never forgive you. The peoples who survived the persecution of their enemies were like you, but they united for salvation for getting rid of oppression, like all peoples on earth. If you are united, if you do not envy each other, if you do not sell yourself to the enemy, you will also be saved.”
MA / Cengiz Özbasar

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