Last wish of 70-year-old mother

  • actual
  • 12:47 25 March 2023
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ŞIRNAK - Hatice Tatlı, 70, who lives in Hezex, wants to visit the grave of her daughter, who was buried in Hesekê, and to hear from her son, who was taken prisoner by the KDP.
Hatice (Xeyîç) Tatlı (70), living in the Hezex (İdil) district of Şırnak, is longing for her two children. The only wish of mother Tatlı, who could not go to the grave of one of her children and could not hear from her other child, is to mingle with them for the last time.
The daughter Negrin Tatlı of Tatlı died in Hesekê in 2015 as a result of a heart attack after she went to Northern and Eastern Syria to fight against ISIS in 2012. Negrin Tatlı was buried in Hesekê. At the end of 2012, this time Ayhan Tatlı (Wargeş Çavreş) joined HPG. HPG's Erdal Aslan (Serwer Serhat), who was ambushed by the KDP's special forces in the Xelîfan region of Southern Kurdistan on July 26, 2021, was taken prisoner along with Mahmut Xelef (Dijwar Berxwedan) and Ayhan Tatlı (Wargeş Çavreş). Mother Tatlı, who has not heard from her son for 1 year and 9 months, has her eyes on the road, waiting for news from her son.
All the mother Tatlı, who has health problems, wants is to visit the grave of her daughter, who was buried in Hesekê before she died, and to hear from her son.
Stating that her children are fighting for a dignified life and that she is proud of them, Tatlı said: “My daughter embodied all the beauties of the world. Negrin participated first PKK. Then Ayhan join them. Negrin was my youngest daughter. Ayhan was the youngest of the boys. I was very attached to them as they were both my youngest. He loved the name Negrin. She loved to laugh, to struggle, not to cry or whine. Like every mother, I cried a lot when my children left. But nobody took them by force, they left of their own free will, and that's why I have a clear conscience and I am proud of them."
Stating that his greatest wish is to visit her daughter's grave one day, Tatlı said: "Negrin had a heart attack and died while preparing to participate in an operation in Rojava. Her body was not brought. I would love to go to my daughter's grave and pray. I wish I could visit her grave one day. There are borders and I cannot go as I am. But I know very well that I am not alone in this pain. There are thousands of mothers like me. Thousands of mothers have been waiting for years to find a piece of their child. "At least I console myself by saying that my daughter has a grave. I am proud of my daughter. Everyone is proud of her in this case. I don't know if my son Ayhan is alive or dead. I believe that Kurdish mothers will one day live freely with their children. I keep that belief alive."

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