Israel made a call: The UN Security Council is meeting today

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  • 14:04 14 April 2024
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NEWS CENTER - Israel called the UNSC to an emergency meeting to discuss Iran's attacks. The UN Security Council announced that it was decided to meet today at 16:00 US local time.
Gilad Erdan, Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN), stated that they called an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC) to discuss Iran's air attacks on Israel.
Statement on his X account, Erdan announced that he sent a letter to the UNSC Term President regarding the urgent convening of the United Nations (UN) Security Council. In his statement, Erdan said: " I called on the Council to hold an emergency meeting and demanded that they condemn Iran’s attack on Israel and designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terror organization." Claiming that Iran's attacks are "a serious threat to global peace and security", Erdan argued that the UNSC should take action against Iran with all the tools at its disposal. 
In the statement made by the UNSC after the call, it was noted that it was decided to meet on Sunday at 16:00 US local time to discuss Iran's attacks on Israel.
Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps has warned that any US support or participation in an attack against Iran would result in a "decisive and regrettable" response from the Iranian Armed Forces. In the second statement issued by the Revolutionary Guard Army regarding the attack launched against Israel, it was stated that in response to Israel's attack on Iran's consulate in Damascus, Iran responded to Israel's right to self-defense in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations (UN) Charter. It was stated that it launched an attack on military targets in the occupied territories.
UN General Assembly President Dennis Francis called for moderation on all parties regarding Iran's air attack on Israel and warned that the events should not turn into a regional war. In his written statement regarding Iran's air attack on Israel, Francis stated that the already fragile situation in the Middle East has become even more fragile with recent events.

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