Motion to ban trade between Turkey and Israel 2024-04-15 12:18:54 ANKARA - DEM Party Kocaeli Deputy Omer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, who submitted a motion to the Parliament with the aim of banning trade between Israel and Turkey, said, "Cutting trade with Israel will support the independence of Gaza."   People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM) Kocaeli Deputy Omer Faruk Gergerlioğlu submitted a motion to the Parliament regarding the ban on trade between Turkey and Israel. In the justification of the motion, Gergerlioğlu emphasized that trade between Turkey and Israel must be stopped in order to prevent Israel's actions against human rights and to provide political support to Gaza.   IT WILL EFFECT ON GAZA   In the justification, he pointed out that according to international law, attacks on civilian settlements are unacceptable and against human rights and that the international community should intervene more effectively against these violations. Gergerlioğlu also stated that "Cutting off trade with Israel will support the independence of Gaza", included the following statements in his motion: "In this sense, in light of Turkey's creating these pressures, trade with Israel should be cut off. This could affect Gaza's political situation, which would encourage efforts to increase Gaza's economic independence. Cutting off trade would also support Gaza's quest for independence and self-determination. Cutting off trade with Israel would encourage the international community to provide greater humanitarian aid and support to Gaza. This will contribute to alleviating the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and improving the living conditions of the civilian population. The fact that weapons equipment, in particular, is being sold to Israel has deeply shaken the public opinion in Turkey. Imposing such a trade ban would be fulfilling an important conscientious responsibility among the people of Turkey. For these purposes, the 'Motion on the Prohibition of Trade Between Turkey and Israel' has been prepared.”