Letter for Ocalan from woman prisoners to Ministry of Justice 2024-04-08 12:05:12 ANKARA – 60 prisoners held in Sincan Women's Closed Prison wrote in the letter they sent to the Ministry of Justice say It is urgent for country to end the isolation of Abdullah Ocalan and provide the conditions for him to play his peaceful role. The state of absolute lack of communication (incommunicado) over PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan has continued for 37 months. The campaign launched on October 10, 2023 to abolished the isolation, ensure Abdullah Ocalan's physical freedom and solve the Kurdish issue continues. Political prisoners in Kurdistan and Turkey have also been on rotating hunger strike since November 27, 2023. The prisoners decided to take their action to a new stage on April 5. The prisoners boycotted the courts and decided not to have phone calls or family meetings.   In this context, 60 woman prisoners in Sincan Women's Closed Prison sent a comprehensive letter to the Ministry of Justice, Turkish state and state officials. In the letter, it was demanded that the isolation imposed on Abdullah Ocalan be abolished, his physical freedom be ensured and the necessary conditions be provided so that he can play his peaceful role.   The following points were included in the letter written by 60 woman prisoners:   “We are 60 woman political prisoners in Sincan Women's Closed Prison. The continuation of absolute 0isolation and torture policies against Mr. Abdullah Ocalan, the pioneer of peace in Kurdistan, Turkey and the Middle East, and his friends is a sign that the government and state officials have signed a course that drags our country into even more chaos...   Today, thousands of political prisoners in hundreds of prisons are protesting against the isolation with hunger strikes and fighting for the immediate end of the isolation. This voice needs to be heard as soon as possible. As a result, we, political Kurdish woman prisoners, demand that the elected government, the Minister of Justice and all those responsible end the isolation of Peace Pioneer Abdullah Ocalan and his friends. It is urgent for our country to ensure the conditions for Ocalan and his friends to play their peaceful role, including their physical freedom."